
SHTU # 2 Aquaman and Sub Mariner

Aquaman,...and Sub Mariner ,...together? What the?


Darryl Young said...

Dear SHTU Editor,

I have patiently waited 3 years and 4 months for the latest issue of your monthly magazine. I never gave up hope, knowing that the greatest comic in history would someday return.
I remember as a freshman in high-school subscribing to your book, with money I had earned collecting soda bottles in the neighborhood. Now, as I get ready to embark on my life as a college student, you've brought me back to those fond years.
The cover is stunning, a magnificent tribute to the Silver Age of comics. It captures my attention and sparks the imagination. This young Kevin Barber fellow has a bright future ahead of him in the funny books. I hope to see more from him in the near future.
Looking forward to issue #3, hopefully before entering Grad-School.


boob said...

They can't do that to Aquaman and Sub Mariner!!!
...can they? Oh boy - someone is definitely gonna get splashed in this issue.

K.B. said...

And at sunset,...the most romantic time of day no less. Insult to injury.